A death in the family can be a difficult time for everybody.
Whether it is sudden or expected, we are rarely prepared for the loss of a loved one. Grief can overwhelm us in many ways, challenging our ability to cope. Each of us at some time will become involved in funeral arrangements after the death of a loved one whether this has taken place at home or in a hospital. The practicalities and complexities of the arrangement can seem insurmountable at this time of extreme vulnerability.
Our aim is to be there for you day or night to carry out the funeral in a dignified and professional manner. We are there to help during the initial period of grief and ensure that the funeral becomes an occasion which the family can look back on, with respect and move on with hope for the future.
Lanigans aspire to the highest professional ethos. We are members of the I.A.F.D.,N.A.F.D. and B.I.E., all of whom require members to adhere to a strict code of practice.